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List of products by brand Białoruś

Goods manufactured by various manufacturers in Belarus. A number of these products are used in Russia, including optics (Zenit Biełomo), footwear (Garsing) and fabric used for uniforms and gear (Mogotex).

Goods manufactured by various manufacturers in Belarus. A number of these products are used in Russia, including optics (Zenit Biełomo), footwear (Garsing) and fabric used for uniforms and gear (Mogotex).
This category also includes goods of unidentified manufacturers or limited quantity goods of a given manufacturer.

There are 14 products.

Showing 13-14 of 14 item(s)

Reference: 15267

Brand: Białoruś

Fabric Greta 210, Flora, DIYM

Durable material Greta. Made from 51% cotton and 49% polyester. The special plait causes that the cotton is the inner layer, ensuring comfort and convenience of use. The outer side with the print is composed mainly of polyester, which ensures durability of the fabric, printed camouflage and its partial resistance to water.

Price zł36.59

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