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ribbons of medals
ribbons of medals

ribbons of medals

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Reference: 16178

Ribbon of order "For the duty for Fatherland in Military Forces the USSR - III class"

Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the order "For the duty for Fatherland in Military Forces the USSR - III class" ("Орден За службу Родине в ВС СССР - III степени") - granted for outstanding acts into the developmentof army, impeccable performance of special tasks, for the courage at performing the soldier's...

Price zł6.00
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Reference: 16174

Ribbon of medal "For the Defence of Caucasus"

Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "For the Defence of Caucasus" ("За оборону Кавказа") - granted participants in fights on ahead of the Caucasus in 1941-1943 years.

Price zł6.00
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Reference: 16138

Ribbon of medal "For the Defence of Stalingrad"

Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "For the Defence of Stalingrad" ("За оборону Сталинграда") - granted participants in fights for defending Stalingrad in the winter 1942.

Price zł6.00
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Reference: 16260

Ribbon of order "Fame of the Work - II class"

Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the order "Fame of the Work - II class" ("Орден Трудовой Славы - II степени") - granted for outstanding work much exceeding the norm, exemplary filling of tasks, outstanding contribution to the development etc.

Price zł6.00
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Reference: 16250

Ribbon of medal "Veteran of Military Forces of the USSR"

Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "Veteran of Military Forces of the USSR" ("Ветеран Вооруженных Сил СССР") - granted soldiers with appropriate internship and exemplary history of the service.

Price zł6.00
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Reference: 16259

Ribbon of order "Fame of the Work - I class"

Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the order "Fame of the Work - I class" ("Орден Трудовой Славы - I степени") - granted for outstanding work much exceeding the norm, exemplary filling of tasks, outstanding contribution to the development etc.

Price zł6.00
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Reference: 16186

Ribbon of medal "For Capturing Budapest"

Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "For Capturing Budapest" ("За взятие Будапешта") - granted participants in fights for capturing Budapest at the turn by 1944 and 1945.

Price zł6.00
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Reference: 16168

Ribbon of medal "For guerrilla of the Fatherland War - II class"

Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "For guerrilla of the Fatherland War - II class" ("Партизану Отечественной войны - Вторая степень") - granted guerrillas (partisans) for the organization of branches, fight on the rear of the enemy, courage during the service etc.

Price zł6.00
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Reference: 16175

Ribbon of medal "To the 250 anniversary of Leningrad"

Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "To the 250 anniversary of Leningrad" ("В память 250-летия Ленинграда") - granted soldiers and civilians for the commitment to the development of Leningrad.

Price zł6.00
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Reference: 16258

Ribbon of medal "Veteran of Work"

Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "Veteran of Work" ("Ветеран труда") - granted for workers and for farmers outstanding at the work, for the innovation and for the long-standing work.

Price zł6.00
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Reference: 16151

Ribbon of medal "For the Great Work in the time of the Great Fatherland War 1941-1945"

Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the medal "For the Great Work in the time of the Great Fatherland War 1941-1945" ("За доблестный труд в Великой Отечественной войне 1941-1945 гг") - granted workers and farmers outstanding at the work during the World War II.

Price zł6.00
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Reference: 16261

Ribbon of order "Fame of the Work - III class"

Ribbon of the medal on the profiled pad, for installing on the special handle. To the order "Fame of the Work - III class" ("Орден Трудовой Славы - III степени") - granted for outstanding work much exceeding the norm, exemplary filling of tasks, outstanding contribution to the development etc.

Price zł6.00
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